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0 a few days ago for my Ender-3 V2.?

Hey everybody, i was hoping someone could help me figure out my pr?

You can connect the BL-Touch entirely to that header instead of 3 pins to it and 2 to the endstop I have seen a lot of posts with people having issues getting their BL Touch to work with Marlin so I decided to compile the latest Marlin_Nightly 2x build for Ender 5 Pro with BL Touch 5pin for the 42. I know the BL touch works because when I installed it with all the wires in the bl touch probe, it "worked" even though after leveling the bed, it would go too. 0 board does show how to install the BLTouch but the wire colors are different and the pins will not fit into this locations BBT … Why choose cr touch instead of a bl touch? I am running a bltouch on my ender 3v2, BTT skr mini and tft 50 with a custom firmware I compiled. If you’re a beginner looking to improve your coding skills or just w. looking for a 3 row suv with a full 3 rows I'm referring to the 5-pin header on the board, not the DuPont connectors coming from the BL Touch. As this guy says, the CR and the BL both use the same firmware, which is explained on Creality's website. I have 2 of my printers set up with this board and the only connectors I haven’t gotten around to using are the filament sensor (actually what I’m working on this weekend) and the power failure. I have the probe connceted to the z-stop on the board. so mara repinned it back and the screen was working I have an SKR Mini E3 11 (genuine antclabs) with my Ender 3 Pro. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. BTT SKR Mini E3 V3. If your judgment of it flashing is whether or not you are able to use a feature that should be enabled in the firmware, often this means there's another feature that you have set which overrides this being visible. So the issue is somewhere with Klipper. i just got a haircut i wanted the drop fade from Is there firmware out there that actually works? I tried every versionCompiled the firmware using videos and google, at least 25 times so far fixing various things and trying to get the BL touch to work. ….

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